Love & Logic
San Tan Charter School is committed to helping teachers enjoy teaching and collaborating with their students and families. Our classrooms encourage students’ love of learning, enabling them to face challenges and develop critical thinking skills, along with building compassionate, strong, reciprocal relationships. To support this commitment, STCS implemented the Love and Logic® Educators Program; used extensively throughout the country with great success.
The Love and Logic® approach to classroom management is focused on building relationships; which includes teachers establishing clear expectations and communicating with respect while assisting students in developing personal responsibility and problem-solving skills.
The Love and Logic® philosophy is followed throughout our school community establishing a school-wide culture of mutual respect.
Established in the mid-1970’s, the Love and Logic® founders, Jim Fay, an educator, and Foster W. Cline, M.D., a child psychiatrist, discovered that children thrive when they …
- Have loving, compassionate and genuinely empathetic parents and teachers.
- Experience consistent limits and accountability.
- Are allowed to learn by making plenty of small, “affordable” mistakes.
- Are taught to own and solve the problems they encounter.

The Love and Logic® Educators Program offers many tools for Educators, Principals, and Districts promoting healthy parent/teacher and teacher/student relationships and positive school-wide discipline.
Teaching with Love and Logic® Helps Educators:
- Set limits in the classroom without anger
- Provide underachievers hope and willingness when the going gets tough
- Raise the odds for kids to stay in school
- Build strong connections between home and school
- Improve attendance
- Manage disruptive students
- Make teaching and learning more fun and productive
- Immediately handle disruptive students
- Get and keep students’ attention
- Build positive student-teacher relationships
- Help students own and solve their own problems
- Bully proof children, diffuse power struggles, and handle difficult people
Love and Logic® in the Classroom Helps:

- When adults take care of themselves, they hand the problem back to the student who created it.
- When students have to solve the problem, they have to think.
- When students have to think, they learn that decisions have consequences.
- When students have to deal with consequences, they learn to think.
- When we allow students to deal with the consequences, they learn to think before they cause a problem.
- When students learn to ask themselves, “How is my behavior going to affect me?” They have learned self-control.
Consistency is a key philosophy within Love and Logic®. The teachers and staff at San Tan Charter School have completed Love and Logic® training classes. We have a dedicated trainer available for staff consultations and individual observations. In addition, our Love and Logic® trainer offers our San Tan Charter School families Love and Logic® parenting classes, bringing consistency home.
These parenting classes (or weekend workshops) are intended to empower parents and instill consistency for students. Each Love and Logic® parenting class is designed to address specific issues and concerns raised by our school community. Classes are structured in a variety of formats meant to provide parents insight into the classroom setting and arm them with new Love and Logic® tools at home.
Check our calendar to find the next Love and Logic® Parent Class.