If you ask any student what makes San Tan Charter School special, their first response would be the community. As a community, we work together to help develop students academically, socially, physically, and emotionally.
It is our goal to develop partnerships with families as we support and respect each child’s unique abilities and foster a sense of community during these important early years of development.

With our Love and Logic® approach to classroom management and our Six Pillars of Character imbedded throughout, we have created a strong and positive school culture based on mutual respect and character education.
We believe our students should leave San Tan Charter School with a well-developed sense of character.
Along with high expectations for academics we also balance physical activity and creative outlets as vital components to enhancing classroom success. This drives us to provide daily PE, recess, music classes with performances each semester, and a parent driven Art Masterpiece program.
Teacher driven, parent driven, and community driven after-school clubs are held during Fall and Spring. Engagement with the expansive academic, fine arts, and fitness-focused club activities showcase our partnerships and commitment throughout our STCS community.