Tauscher Times 5.18.21
Hello Power Campus! Welcome to the last week of school. It is FINALS week with 8th and 12th grade graduations being held on campus on Wednesday and this Thursday is the last day of school (Half [...]
Hello Power Campus! Welcome to the last week of school. It is FINALS week with 8th and 12th grade graduations being held on campus on Wednesday and this Thursday is the last day of school (Half [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, Happy last week of school! What a wonderful we have going on the Recker campus! Spirit Week is running full throttle and Graduations are in [...]
Hello Power Campus! The time of year for school celebrations is upon us. This Saturday San Tan hosts its end-of-the year awards ceremony for both academics and athletics. Our academics awards [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, Happy last full week of school. MAP testing is moving right along. I am very proud of all of our students for how they have progressed this year. [...]
Hello Power Campus! Happy Star Wars Day! (May the 4th be with you…) I was impressed with Mr. Crowe in drive-lane this morning as he dropped off his daughter in a real-life Storm Trooper helmet! [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Another exciting week at the Recker Campus is upon us! This week we have a half day on Friday so please keep in [...]
Hello Power Campus! Welcome to the last week of April. May begins our end-of-the-year celebration season and we start things off with Teacher’s Appreciation next week, May 3-7, followed by our [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, Hello again! I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for giving me the grace and time to take maternity leave these past 10 weeks. It [...]
Hello Power Campus! It is true. The mask policy on campus is currently an option (choice) for students and teachers! After Governor Ducey’s announcement yesterday allowing for school choice, San [...]
Lunch Order Link Order Lunch Happy Tuesday, I hope everyone had a great four-day Easter holiday and able to connect with family and loved ones; the Sippel family loaded up and headed to Florida [...]