MyWhyStory #2

July 19, 2018

Monica Dippre

3rd Grade Gifted Teacher

I grew up in the PNW where I got my teaching degree and my Master’s in Education. I taught for 10 years until left teaching to own/operate restaurants with my husband. During that time, we began fostering and adopting children, and when we welcomed our third child into our home, we left the restaurant business and I stayed home to raise our kids.  We now have 5 adopted children and I have spent much of my time volunteering in areas that allow me to be with my own children and work with other kids as well I have been a substitute teacher. I have planned and executed preschool classes and preschool religious education programs.  I have volunteered as a library aide at school and be involved in may other child-centered activities. I am intrigued and impressed by the commitment to the individuality of the child a STCS. I am looking forward to growing here, as an educator and as a parent, and am excited to lead my students to discover their personal successes.