MyWhyStory #12

July 19, 2018

Sarah Edam

Montessori Teacher (Primary)

Ever since I was a child  in elementary school,  I have always wanted to be an elementary school teacher because I admired my mother, grandmother, and my teachers for their passion in the teaching process. I enjoyed helping them clean up the classroom, passing paper for my classmate, and helping my classmates to finish their work. When I graduated from high school I decided to study in the Teachers Training Institute.

When we moved to the USA, I worked as a student teaching in Los Medanos college childcare. I worked with kids ages between three to six years old. I had the opportunity to work and teach in different school settings based on a variety of  cultures. I created a project and hands-on activities for the children. I felt so happy when I saw the excitement and joy in the children's eyes when I presented my activities. The children and myself learned a lot in three months. At that moment, I promised myself that I will continue to learn and follow my role model, my mother whom I will always be thankful for giving me and my siblings all the love and care that we are able to give to other people, and everything around us.