Preschool Home-Based Instruction

Activities for Creative Time (Art, Music, Movement, Activity)

Art (Greeting Cards)

Make a greeting card for an elderly neighbor, person at a nursing home, or elderly family member. Maybe consider sending to a first responder, doctor, or nurse

PE (Keep the Ball Up)

Pick any ball… toss it in the air and try to keep it up for as many counts as you can. Try to beat your best time. If you have more than one child in your home, then toss it back and forth

Music (Encore)

Pick a word. Now try to find as many songs as possible as you can. Make a list or simply call them out! Go back and forth if you have another child in your house. (Good words: day, baby, love)

STREAMS (Math or Spelling)
Use an old board game  and invent a new game. Use dice, playing cards, or homemade flash cards, create a pile of questions. Take turns rolling a dice and answering questions as you move around the board.

Art (Perfect Bedroom)

Design your perfect bedroom. Use the structure of your actual bedroom. Include windows, doors, etc.

PE (Mirror Me)

You need two people or more for this activity. One person is the lead and moves in any way they like… the other person must mirror the first person. Take turns being the lead!

Music (Name that Tune)

Using your playlist on your phone, a radio, or any music you have in your home. Turn on a song, and see who can guess the song first. Use holiday tunes or various songs to change things up.

STREAMS (Engineering)

Using paper towel rolls, plastic lids, or other discarded items around the house, invent and build a new toy.

Art (Paradise Window)

Draw a window in your house and imagine what it would look like in a paradise you would want to be in.

PE (10 second turns)

Pick a movement and do it for ten seconds. (jumping jacks, high knees, push ups, sit ups, run in place, march etc) If you have a sibling, you can take turns picking the movement.

Music (Freeze dance)

One person has control over the music. Play the music and you must freeze when the music stops. You can also do this with chairs (musical chairs) or spots around the house.


Using a deck of cards play Math War by adding or multiplying two cards. The person with the correct answer first keeps the cards in that round. Most cards at the end wins.

Art (Stain Glass Window)

Go outside, take painters tape or masking tape. Make a design with crossing tape like a stained glass window. Color each one different if you want.

PE (Roll the dice)

Attach a movement to each number from 1-6. Roll the dice and you must do that activity. You can do each activity for however long you determine. Activities might include: hop, march, push up, sit up, lunge, jumping jacks, etc.

Music (Concert Ready)

Please use the following codes to go to Mr. Winters’s Google Classroom

K-4: nkmdqnm
5-7: zw4mal6

to find the music you will be singing for your concert. You only need to sing one of the songs today two times through. We will be fine tuning the music once we are able to meet again in the music room.


Draw a cartoon animal to go with our cartoon characters we created at the beginning of the school year.