MyWhyStory #12

July 19, 2018

Chloe Ruggieri

Front Desk Assistant (Recker Campus)

Working at San Tan Charter School has really opened my eyes on how to be a good parent. Following the Love & Logic way has changed how I spend time with my kids, and it has made us all so much closer. I would not have had the confidence to follow this parenting way if I did not get a job here at San Tan.

I was born in California but then moved to Georgia very young, and I lived there most of my life. Growing up, I always felt a calling back to the west coast and as soon as I had the chance, I took it when I moved to Arizona. I have never worked in a school before, but my mom is a STEM teacher in Georgia and I was raised to always have a high respect for teachers and administrative staff. I was a mobile dog groomer, grooming Dr. & Mrs. Sippels little dog, Gus, when I met them. My grooming journey came to an end, but Mrs. Sippel believed I could do more and be more and she thought I would be a good fit at her school. Not only was she correct, she really changed my family’s life with this amazing opportunity. San Tan is not just a school, it’s a community, and I am so honored to be apart of it.