I chose to be a teacher because it came natural to me. I have been an athlete my entire life playing basketball from grade school all the way through college. Growing up I got to see how important it was to have great coaches on and off the court if you wanted to continue to move to the next level. As I transitioned from high school to the college ranks I was pushed the hardest off the court by my teachers. I did not realize the impact they had on me until I graduated from college and realized half of the scholarship money I obtained was academic. From that point on I realized that I wanted to teach the next generation of students rather it was on the court or in the classroom.
2018-19 was my first year being a head teacher at San Tan Charter School. I’ve learned a lot from my colleagues over the past two years at them elementary and I am looking forward to teaching the 2020/21 school year at the high school Power campus.