Parent Portal
Welcome Parents and Families! Here are quick links to frequently used information.
At San Tan Charter School we are committed to safe student information management. We use Infinite Campus’ Campus Portal as our tool for parents and students to access instant, online, timely and secure student information: class schedule, assignments, attendance, discipline, course registrations for next year, report cards and transcripts.
Confirm Your Student Spot Today for the 2024 – 2025 School Year
Log into your Parent Portal. Go to “More” and then “Online Registration.”
- Confirm existing students information
- Add any new siblings
AZ State Board for Charter Schools Dashboard
Registration Forms:
Recker Academic Success Kit (Grades K – 6)
The 2024-2025 Recker Academic Success Kit (RASK) includes the following items for $30 per student
- Data Binder
- Character Agenda
- Parent Communication Folder
- T-Shirt
Full Day Kindergarten Tuition
San Tan Charter School has a 10-month academic year for all classes. Full Day Kinder Tuition is based on the full year’s tuition amount of $3,000.00 which has been divided into 10 equal monthly payments of $300.00 for your convenience. Tuition for the first month in the amount of $300 is paid at the time of registration.
Hot Lunch Options

We are excited to announce that both our Recker and Power Campuses have partnered with My Hot Lunchbox.
1st time user – Select “Create an Account” to be redirected to the Parent Sign Up page.
Add your student and “San Tan Charter School Power Campus” or “San Tan Charter School Recker Campus” based on which campus your student attends.
6-12th Grade: Each student is assigned a Google Chromebook to utilize throughout the school year. It is provided to support the learning objectives of San Tan Charter School and is intended for educational purposes only. The laptop may be leased from the school at a cost of $250.00 per year. Students also have the option to use their own device as long as it is one on the 2020-2021 List of Approved Devices. If a student chooses to bring their own device from this list, there will be a registration donation of $50. This donation will cover the cost to register the device with San Tan and limit its use for anything except educational purposes.
If leasing a computer, a minimum of $50 is due along with the completed technology agreement. Payment options include Full Payment of $250, Half Payment of $125, and Partial Payment of $50. The full technology lease payment of $250 is due by the start of school. If a student chooses to bring their own approved device, a donation of $50 will be requested. We offer scholarships to help cover the cost. Click Here for a fillable copy of our scholarship form. If students choose to bring their own devices, they will need to schedule a time to register the computer with the IT department before they can use the device on-campus.
San Tan Charter School is a close-knit community that feels like a family. As a tuition-free public charter school, we receive funding from the State of Arizona similar to a traditional public school. However, public charter school students traditionally receive 20% less than what is given to district public schools due to not receiving city property tax money.
Our families can contribute in many ways to support our students and athletics.
Below are some programs that were supported by the Arizona Tax Credit Program:
- Culinary Arts: Restaurant quality cutlery, pots/pans, additional shelving, and supplies for the classroom
- Fine Arts: Music for concerts, playbills, programs, paint, art supplies, and sound equipment
- Full-Day Kindergarten Scholarship Grants
- Elementary Montessori Program Extensions, Outdoor Environment, and Makerspace
- Library: Shelves and books
- Health Care Supplies
- Playground Equipment
2024 – 2025 Student Enrollment – 1 Year through 5 Years
Use the Registration Check List or follow the links below to complete the required online registration and required student documents.
- Log into your Campus Portal. Go to “More” and then “Online Registration.” Tutorial Available
- 24-25 Preschool Enrollment Packet
- EII Form (Emergency, Information, Immunization)
- Credit Card Authorization
Optional Form
- Before and After Care Registration PreK-12 (PreK – 8)
Forms can be returned to the campus front desk or emailed to Ms. Thrift at
Registration Links
Camp Offerings
Donations & Sponsorships
Montessori Preschool
Power Campus Events
Recker Campus Events