Laramie Letters 9.7.21
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families,Hello wonderful Recker Campus families! We have a very exciting week on campus!! Our first back to school book fair is LIVE AND IN PERSON! We also [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families,Hello wonderful Recker Campus families! We have a very exciting week on campus!! Our first back to school book fair is LIVE AND IN PERSON! We also [...]
Hello Power Campus! I hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day and long three-day weekend. Reminder we have Grandparent’s Day happening next Monday and we are inviting all grandparents to lunch us for [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, I want to deeply apologize for the issues caused by the School Dismissal Manager system. Thank you all for your graciousness. We are speaking with [...]
Hello Power Campus! Here we are almost to the Labor Day weekend. It is difficult to believe we are over halfway to the end of first quarter! As students are settling into the routine, please help [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, Pictures pictures! We have our picture day coming up tomorrow! Please see the information below for scheduling. We also have our first half day [...]
Hello Power Campus! Welcome to picture day! The kids looked great on campus. If you were not able to order your photos beforehand, you can visit and type in “San Tan Power” [...]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 18, 2021 Contact: Kristofer Sippel CEO/Superintendent of Schools San Tan Charter School Inc. 480-222-0811 [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, I hope you are doing well this week! We are settling in wonderfully this year! We have a lot of exciting events coming up this week. – Mrs. Sarah [...]
Hello Power Campus! Watch this week for emails from school as we will be sending announcements regarding academic accountability—including student attendance and interventions for students who [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, Happy Rainy day!!! We have a lot of exciting events coming up. Quick reminders that we have Picture Day coming up in two weeks on the 25th. That [...]