Laramie Letters 10.13.21
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, Welcome back from Break! We are very excited to have our homecoming week this week! We do have a lot of things coming up this quarter. I have [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, Welcome back from Break! We are very excited to have our homecoming week this week! We do have a lot of things coming up this quarter. I have [...]
Hello Power Campus! Welcome to Homecoming Week and our return to school from Fall Break. Over the next few days, we will be amping up the school spirit and finishing up parent-teacher [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, Happy last week of break! I hope your break is going safely and you are enjoying it! Very excited to have the students back next week. Just as a [...]
Hello Power Campus! This Friday we return teachers to campus for all day training and next week is Homecoming Week! We start back to school with students Oct. 11 with three half day schedules and [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, I hope you are having a nice Fall break! We have break from September 25th– October 10th. Following break, we have 3 half days where we have [...]
Hello Power Campus! I hope everyone is enjoying the start to their Fall Break. Homecoming Week is on tap the week we return to campus. In addition to homecoming, we start with three half day [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, We are rolling right into Fall break this week! We have break from September 25th– October 10th. Following break, we have 3 half days where [...]
Hello Power Campus! Welcome to the last week of quarter 1. Today our students celebrated Peace Day on campus and did an excellent job with student presentations and participating in discussions [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families,As we wrap up the first quarter of the year, please begin to look out for emails from staff with conference times. We offer parent teacher [...]
Hello Power Campus! As we near the end of first quarter, please help us focus our students’ attention on finishing strong with their academics. Upon returning from Fall Break, we have half day [...]