Laramie Letters 9.13.22
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, I hope you are all having a wonderful week! We have our Picture Day tomorrow and I have attached our schedule to this email as well! I can’t wait [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, I hope you are all having a wonderful week! We have our Picture Day tomorrow and I have attached our schedule to this email as well! I can’t wait [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, I hope you are doing well today! We are so excited to have Usborne Books here with us this week and to end the week celebrating our loved ones [...]
Hello Power Campus! I hope you enjoyed the Labor Day weekend with family and friends. Join us on campus this Saturday, Sept. 10, as we host the first home football game of the season! The [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, I hope you are doing well today! This week kicks off September-madness before Break! We have a ton of fun events coming up shortly these next [...]
Hello Power Campus! Reminder that tomorrow is our first half-day, with students being released from the school at 11:24am. This week we also have three-day weekend coming up for Labor Day, with [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, I hope you are having a great day! We have a lot of fun experiences going on on campus, please stay tuned to my @principal_laramie stories as I [...]
Hello Power Campus! We are officially halfway through first quarter! Today on we had some very handsome and well-dressed students on campus for our campus-wide and fall sports picture day. Thank [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, I hope you are having a great August week! We have a lot of events coming for the Recker campus including our Grandparent’s Day Brunch and Recker [...]
Hello Power Campus! Our Fall MAP scores are in and we are working hard to ensure our students are meeting or exceeding grade-level scores for reading and math. This year San Tan Charter increased [...]
Letter from the Principal Dear San Tan Families, Thank you for bearing with me as we send out the Donor’s Choose emails. We have a lot of new projects on campus and we wanted to make sure that [...]